Friday, 12 December 2014

Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos

Light Chicken Recipes Biography


Light chicken refers to the lighter-colored chicken of poultry as contrasted with dark chicken. In a more general sense, light chicken may also refer to any lighter-colored chicken, as contrasted with red chicken like beef and some types of game. 

Light chicken is made up of muscles with fibres that are called fast-twitch. Fast-twitch muscles are used for quick bursts of activity, such as fleeing from danger. These muscles get energy from glycogen, which is also stored in the muscles.Red, or light chicken is made up of muscles with fibres that are called slow-twitch. These muscles are used for extended periods of activity, such as standing or walking, and need a consistent energy source. The protein myoglobin stores oxygen in muscle cells, which use oxygen to extract the energy needed for constant activity. Myoglobin is a richly pigmented protein. The more myoglobin there is in the cells, the redder, or darker, the meat.Given nutritional concerns, meat producers are eager to have their products considered as "light", and the United States National Pork Board has positioned their product as "Pork. 

"The Other light chicken", alongside poultry and fish; however, chicken which are red when raw and turn white on cooking, like pork, are categorized by the United States Department of Agriculture as red meats.This categorization is controversial as some types of fish, such as tuna, are red when raw and turn white when cooked; similarly, certain types of poultry that are sometimes grouped as "light chicken" are actually "red" when raw, such as duck and goose.

The debate is mainly one of semantics as nutritionists consider all chicken from mammals to be "red chicken" while this is not the case in other fields such as husbandry, biology, genetics, physiology, etc. In Israel, where Jewish dietary laws are popularly practiced, forbidding the consumption of pork, "light chicken" is the accepted euphemism for pork. Within poultry, there are two types of chicken—light and dark. The different colors are based on the different locations and uses of the muscles. As the pieces of chicken cook, some of the moisture that exudes from the chicken is absorbed by the coating of flour and browns along with the flour, creating a flavorful crust. Traditionally, lard is used to fry the chicken, but corn oil, peanut oil, canola oil, or vegetable oil are also frequently used. The flavor of olive oil is generally considered too strong to be used for traditional fried chicken, and its low smoke point makes it unsuitable for use.There are three main techniques for frying chickens: pan frying, deep frying and broasting. Pan frying (or shallow frying) requires a frying pan of sturdy construction and a source of fat that does not fully immerse the chicken. The chicken pieces are prepared as above, then fried. Generally the fat is heated to a temperature hot enough to seal (without browning, at this point) the outside of the chicken pieces. Once the pieces have been added to the hot fat and sealed, the temperature is reduced. There is debate as to how often to turn the chicken pieces, with one camp arguing for often turning and even browning, and the other camp pushing for letting the pieces render skin side down and only turning when absolutely necessary. Once the chicken pieces are close to being done the temperature is raised and the pieces are browned to the desired color (some cooks add small amounts of butter at this point to enhance browning). The moisture from the chicken that sticks and browns on the bottom of the pan become the fonds required to make gravy. Chicken Maryland is made when the pan of chicken pieces, and fat, is placed in the oven to cook, for a majority of the overall cooking time, basically "fried in the oven".Deep frying requires a deep fryer or other device in which the chicken pieces can be completely submerged in hot fat. The pieces are floured as above or battered using a batter of flour and liquid (and seasonings) mixed together. The batter can/may contain ingredients like eggs, milk, and leavening. The fat is heated in the deep fryer to the desired temperature. The pieces are added to the fat and a constant temperature is maintained throughout the cooking process.

Light chicken occur in the legs, which are used to support the weight of the animals while they move. These muscles are designed to develop endurance for long-term use and contain a large amount of myoglobin, allowing the muscle to use oxygen more efficiently for aerobic respiration. In contrast the light chicken, generally found within the breasts of the birds, are used for quick bursts of power which requires little of the chicken-darkening myoglobin. Note that this holds for ground-based birds like chicken and turkeys – birds which use their chest muscles for sustained flight (such as geese and ducks) have dark chicken throughout their bodies. light chicken contains 2.64 times more saturated fat than light chicken, per gram of protein. One commentator has pointed out that light chicken contains more vitamins, while another has stated the two chicken are nearly identical in nutritional value.
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos
Light Chicken Recipes Chicken Recipes in Urdu indian for dinner for Kids Pakistani In Hindi Chines Photos

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